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Sustainability is the capacity to endure. It is characterized by the increased success of a product after many cycles of usage leading to its success and popularity therefore benchmarking it under the sustainability phenomenon.
As an end user of environmental test equipment, you will want to consider the benefits of buying a sustainable product obtained though effective equipment planning and procurement. Hastest Solutions helps the end user define their needs and offers cost effective solutions that will benefit the customer in the long run.
Some characteristics implemented into equipment planning and procurement for sustainability are looking for durable and robust products, ease of use and meeting safety standards. The range of products at Hastest Solutions Inc, include but not limited to, temperature humidity chambers, settling dust chambers,blowing sand and dust chambers, HAST (highly accelerated stress test) chambers meet the requirements mentioned above. The HAST Chamber is an example of a robust and durable product. The oldest generation manufactured twenty years ago is still running at optimum performance with need for replacement of basic wear and tear parts only. The temperature and humidity chambers incorporate user friendly controllers for technicians to save time on learning operation of a new unit and increase productivity during usage. Our chambers have met safety and manufacturing standards through third party certifications of compliance and now carry stamp of approval for CSA International (Canadian Standards Association) UL compliance.
There are many definitions for sustainability. Many refer it to a goal but Hastest Solutions Inc constantly tries to improve on sustainability therefore using it more as a guideline or “journey” to the ultimate destination of a quality product. The demonstration lab at Hastest Solutions Inc located in San Jose, CA carries many of the products listed and the sustainability can be experienced even before purchase. Hastest Solutions Inc strongly encourages the user to visit the lab during procurement process.